Forever Memories of Di
A place to recollect, retrace memories, remember and smile
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"Things" That Remind Me of Di
Altoids and the smell of them and the clank of the rectangular container opening and closing... Biolage leave-in-treatment... Crane Coffee alas no longer around... Delice Bakery alas no longer around either... Sunflowers... Hair Cuts and Colors... John Denver... NPR... Loving Those You Love With Vigor... Laughing... Printmaking... Papermaking... The Last Cigarette... Trips with the kids... Pork Roast with Rosemary... Smiles... Hugs that wrap around you like a blanket... Knuckle cracking... Fighting for parking at UNO... Death & Dying Course... Rearranging my apartment furniture... Washing Machines... Tacos & Tostadas... Coffee & mug warmer... Natalie Merchant... Storytelling... Hair Art Project...
Impact AND Choices AND GRIEF
A soul, a person, a place, a thing all makes an impact in how they are portrayed, utilized, worked, molded, formed, watched, given, symbolized, created, drawn and wished upon.
Birthday and Sweetness Always...
Happy Heaven Birthday Di.
Today marks the birthday of Di and another year past without her here to celebrate the goodness of sweet family, friends and treats. I know you are celebrating up there and I keep hoping that I've been good enough to one day join you but as always I have my doubts.
Love to you and love to those all over that love you so very much...
Go Easy....Please
We all need the time, the forethought, the afterthoughts, the true moments to find in the paragraphs of our lives to work through all that we see, feel, need, want and dream.
On this day, the eve of my dear Di's birthday where she would have been 59, I am remembering her I do frequently. She really never leaves my mind, my side, my memories of her stay rooted deep in the spaces of my heart. She lives in my soul as if she was still here and I can hear her saying "oh Cath!" or how I can still feel those squishy and love filled hugs that she gave on a very usual basis. She made me feel who I was supposed to be...just me.
On this birthday eve, I am going to go easy on me and I want everyone to go easy on themselves because life is so tough and so hard and so sad and so full of hate and is in such a disarray.
The changes just over the past 18 months have been significant. We all just need to go easy, take the path of less resistance and take the time for the breaths, for the love, for the reasons that we are us and us are we.
The newest Adele single is out and it's eloquently titled "Go Easy On Me" and is quite fitting for my few words this evening.
Peace, Love and Please Go Easy on your self, your heart and those you love and those that love you...
November 15, 2019 Marks 10 years since Di Left Us...
I remember that day like it was yesterday. Yes, I forget what happened last week, but that chance meeting over 20 years ago in a library with a red-headed girl with a huge orange purse, I remember that well. That was my once-in-a-lifetime friend I was destined to meet. My Di.
Happy Birthday Wishes For Another Year
How did we know that the date of your last birthday would mark the last 744 hours of your life? The last 44640 minutes of the last month of your life? The last 2,678,400 seconds in that last month of your life?
The Things We Leave Behind...
When she left that warm November day, I know that she did not know that it would be the last time that she looked around, smiled at the photos on the mantle, checked to make sure that she had everything that she would need for a short stay as she felt the door handle for the last time ever.
Now there are things. Things left behind. Things that meant something. Things that are a reminder of something. Things that she loved. Things that she enjoyed. Things that made her smile and laugh. Things that brought tears to her eyes. Things that she watched with tender loving care. Things that she made. Things that she envisioned. Things that are things for just the sheer pleasure of being things.
These things are just things. But, they allow us to “touch” those that we miss whenever we want to or when we need to. Things that we can touch. Those things are tactile and important and an integral part of who we were, who we are and who we are going to be.
I have learned to drink my coffee without cream; black…2 sweet ‘n low packets and that’s it. Di would be proud since she always made fun of me and my foo foo coffee creamers…
Love, Peace, Hugs Always and Forever,
The Misconceptions of the Pink "Wave" Yelling Breast Cancer Prevention
The article touts "the feel good war" depicting all of the PINK products that are available and the unorganized "version" of early detection/early screening.
One quote in the article from Peggy Orenstein who described her second diagnosis in heart wrenching terms "Just like that, I passed again through the invisible membrane that separates the healthy from the ill". I felt that exact same way when Di's cancer 'came back' I am sure she felt too many times to count.
Additionally, the term "Pinkwashing" has surfaced and it is very informative, especially during this month of October where we see garbage trucks, NFL, NBA, WNBA, Nascar and other sports that tout their "Pink" saying it is all in the name of breast cancer awareness.
How aware do we need to be at this point?
How aware are we at this point?
Does it do any good or does it harm those that are suffering?
Do funds go where they are supposed?
Why is this disease not fought and done with all the technological advances?
Should we blame the drug companies and their personification of the almighty dollar?
Di and I talked about this over the many years that she was fighting that good fight and many times she was so embroiled in anger that "there wasn't a cure yet -- because the drug companies and healthcare DON'T want to cure it, but instead keep throwing money at the cause to keep them in business.
Take a look at this article; interesting, from 2018 but still very relevant.
I read it, I think of Di.
I read it, I get mad.
I read it, I miss Di.
I read it and I can feel the tears welling up behind my eyes full of sadness. posted an article by Anni Aluise
Light and Brightness
The light that burns twice as bright, burns half as long. And you have burned so very, very brightly.
Di always lived life with compassion, spontaneity, goodwill, spirit and kindness.
Di burned very brightly and her smile still continues to light my way in the world through my remembrance of her.
Happy wishes to that light of Di that burned twice as bright but only burned half as long as we all wanted it to.
Peace, Love, Much and Many Hugs...
Airplane and Flying and Those EARS !!
Those EARS.......Oh my gosh.......I was just mesmerized by the scope of his ears!
His personality was uncanny; he would hang out, rarely bark at strangers (well, really no one was a stranger that came to Di's and if they were, they fast became a non-stranger), and always gave unconditional love. He surely had Corgi in him!
I'm sure that Airplane and Di are soaring through the skies together and Spike and Spur are curled up on some fluffy cloud watching the world go by......I just wish I could find a picture of Airplane to post....
But, Jozi sure would have liked to have met Di and Di would have loved to rub those ears like she did Airplane's.
Moving On.....
When we lose a loved one we never get over it completely, but we get to a point where we are back to feeling like ourselves (even if we still have that little part of our mind that remains a little gray). When we first lose someone it is an unbearable shock that's hard to believe. Once the shock wears off the grief swoops in and over us and can sometimes make it feel as if we can't even breathe. Grief is a monster that we can't kill or tame all at once. It is a monster that, when met over time with moments of a neutral, pleasant, or joyous nature, will start to shrink and retreat, leaving behind only a small footprint. We need to accept that that footprint will always be there, but as the weeks and months go by the grief does die down a little at a time.
What we may be surprised to discover, though, is that far sooner than we would have thought we do laugh again. We have those moments when we feel pretty much like "the real us" with an open sore that stays in our life. There is no doubt that we continue to battle our thoughts and fight off either tears or the overwhelming horror that come with tears we can't fight off. Still, it is surprising how soon so much of our days is spent feeling reasonably normal. I suppose what happens is that even while we are consumed by, and in the grips of, that overpowering, huge, monster that is grief; time's force continues to pull it away from us; and the resilience of a heart that has loved so much eventually prevails.
Sometimes others will worry that we're not "moving on", and they can even make us feel as if we should stop talking about the loved one if we talk about him a little too much, or get rid of his belongings faster than we have, or simply start a new life sooner than we appear to be. My advice to the grieving would be to stay strong and stay true to yourself. Deal with your grief that way you need to, and don't feel pressured by others who would deal with it differently.
Difficult as it is to believe when we have just lost someone, we all just keep moving on, whether or not we want to, and whether or not we appear to be. If you ask how to get through your days, rather than ask how to move on, time will move you on, and your heart will will tell you when to take another step.
When I first saw you, Di....I fell in love with you and knew that you would be my "one".
Fork In The Road Causing Contempt (Dishes)
I need to find solitude and peace and nourishment and stillness and ……
A PURPOSE to move forward.
Peace, Love, Kindness, Healing...
Wishes Floating Above
Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe...
Remembrances and Writing and JUST Breathe
"Strugglin' .... ME? Never, I'm relaxing and keeping the stress to a minimum, can't you see my meditation cloud over my head?" THAT became our little mantra for THAT course.....OMG and right now while I'm knee deep in research and review and contemplation and that wanna-throw-my-laptop-and-anything-nearby I have to laugh and think back to when Di had that "power" to engage me and MOTIVATE ME to keep keeping on and do it with such panache.
Oh how I miss that!
So, I'm not going to forget to breathe through this entire process and I'm gonna keep looking up and pointing to that little teeny itty bitty meditation cloud that sits right above my head (keeping the stress to a minimum) just like Di told me she was doing that very first day I met her in that redhead fashion of hers that she did SO VERY WELL.
Love you much Di and still miss you much more than ever,
Sending Prayers
Today I am sending prayers to Joey & Rory and their sweet Indiana because Joey is in the battle of her life.
Please visit Rory's blog and send your prayers to this family...
This is a song that was done three years ago by Joey & Rory and it touched my heart.....may Joey be granted peace knowing that her legacy will live on in the hearts of so very many....
"When I'm Gone" - JOEY+RORY music video (from their album His & Hers) from Hickory Films on Vimeo.
Sending Peace,
Sending Love,
Sending Kindness,
Remember that Memories last Forever ♥
So Missed and So VERY Loved

I've found that is "ok" to move along the winding road alone but it takes bravery and determination and I have to admit that at times I feel lost and alone and weary.
Bravery is a BIG word, it takes a lot to say that word and even more to LIVE that word everyday.
Di was brave, she lived bravely, she loved bravely, she worshiped bravely and she echoed bravery to all that surrounded her. Di planted her roots firmly and she lived with convictions even along her tough road in the fight of her life against the cancer that invaded her body.
Over the years since we lost Di things have changed and there are so many more people that I have recognized that are fighting the fight of their life, just as Di did. Such an insidious disease that takes our people, our kin, our loves and literally our breath away.
If I could just have 'one more' moment with Di...that has been my feelings since we lost her. I found this songwriter who wrote from the passions of his heart and soul about 'One More' when he himself was diagnosed with cancer and his songwriting abilities were poised to not just write a song but instead to write the song he was living in the moment. No made up stories, no false pretenses, just pure, raw emotion while in the fight for his life. Passion is what fuels each and every one of our lives and when there is a bump in the road, take the lead and let your voice be heard such as he did.
Tim Johnson "One More" from Hickory Films on Vimeo.
Prayers today for Tim Johnson's family
I'd like just one more, please....
Missing you Di,
Saturday Memories
...Birthday GIRL Di
TODAY is Di's I have not forgotten and never will.
Posts have been almost non existent since last year.....funny how life gets in the way while you're trying to do good work.
I've been wearing my bracelet all week and thinking about the last time that I read that poem aloud just for Di. Weighs heavy on my soul and in my heart and between the broken heartstrings.
I pondered about this posting for weeks trying to think of photos where I have them, which ones they are and if I had a particular photo. Frustration set in when I realized that I really do not have as many pics of Di and I thought I did....
So, here is a favorite with that fabulous smile.
Happy birthday My Girl...My Di
Still miss you after all these years
Birthday Girl
So Tired and So Sad
I am ALSO affected in my little corner of the world.
With the events of the past week, one sticks firmly in the grasp of my mind....
that quote by Robin Williams:
We do not as outsiders know the reasons or the hows or whys of the situation and we never will but the one thing that I find troubling is the lack of respect and the lack of dignity that has unfolded in the media.
What do we need on this earth to grow and move past the issues, concerns, grief and sorrows?
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Thyme - A TRUE healer in the plant world.....ironic that TIME is also what helps the healing process.... |
We all need room to grow and we all need people (even though some of us think we can 'go it alone') and we need the caring and tenderness of the world to wrap it's arms around us and tell us it is going to be okay.
We need time to process the last few devastating weeks in our world and we all need to say a little prayer for those that are suffering because we can only imagine their pain and wish that they did not have to walk in their own shoes right now.
It is going to be okay...
It will be okay...
Many hugs today and tomorrow...
Never Forget
PaPa Godspeed ...
I met a man several years ago that had a twinkle in his eye and a smile as big as the state of Texas and as he shook my hand with a strong grip he said that I was a "tall drink of water and a pretty one at that" and then he proceeded to hug me unconditionally. This man was PaPa and I will never forget his stature and his presence and his kindness and his genuine soul that day that he welcomed me into "the family".
Over the years there were several phone conversations and a few times that I was able to see him and be entertained by his words and his stories. I will never forget the bologna and mayo sandwich story at the BBQ restaurant, the fire ants at The Ranch, his prized bulls, reciting the ABC's backwards saying "I learned the alphabet backwards before I ever learned it forwards", his story about the 'hoosey goosey mountains', the way that he would say "well, that's good" with such inflection, the selective hearing skills when the Dallas Cowboys were on tv, all the pets that the family had over the years since they once owned a pet store; namely a monkey that lived with the family and the wholesome and genuine concern that he had for everyone...all the time. I cannot remember a time that I talked with him that he did not ask about how someone was doing. It was just his nature, just PaPa...
PaPa was a true Texas gentleman with riches far more than gold or any monetary value. He had a strong conscience and knew what was important in and laughter and remembrance of times past.
I will hold those memories in my heart, in my thoughts and in my soul forever.
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"PaPa" Elmo 1920-2014 |
Today was the send off for PaPa....a fitting day; National Armed Services Day, a fitting tribute for a great man that has a legacy that will live on and on in the hearts and minds and souls of all that he touched.
Godspeed and the family have been in my thoughts all day. I wish I could have been there.
We all loved you so very much...
Another Mother's Day....
Happy Birthday Chloe.....
Listening Well.....Story People
This writing from Story People is exactly what I needed exemplifies Di
She had the gift of stopping time & listening well so that it was easy to hear who we could become & that was the future she held safe for each of us in her great heart & you may ask, what now? & I hope you understand when we speak softly among ourselves & do not answer just yet for our future is no longer the same without her.
I still find myself speaking softly to myself when I realize and know that I was so lucky to have lost such a good friend.....
Wants & Needs Today,
Another Birthday....Emily
Love is the magic that we hold in our hearts,
Time is only the vehicle of passage
Between yesterday, today and the future
Memories hold steadfast like a magnet to our hearts forever
Much love and wishes on YOUR day today,
Merry Christmas To All and To All A Good Night
I received a wonderful gift today that reminds me of Di's from StoryPeople
I will never forget and will always remember and revel in the moments I had with Di over the years.
She is missed today especially on a day of celebration.
Give Thanks Today
Please carry a thankful heart not only today but every day.
Ben - The Day To Celebrate YOUR Birthday
Happy Birthday wishes to YOU today!
I will always remember the love in your mom's eyes in this picture...
Good wishes,
Love and Hugs,
Nothing Can Replace The Absence...
Miss You, Di
The days go by so quickly but at least we have the memories.

“There is nothing that can replace the absence of someone dear to us, and one should not even attempt to do so. One must simply hold out and endure it. At first that sounds very hard, but at the same time it is also a great comfort. For to the extent the emptiness truly remains unfilled one remains connected to the other person through it. It is wrong to say that God fills the emptiness. God in no way fills it but much more leaves it precisely unfilled and thus helps us preserve -- even in pain -- the authentic relationship. Further more, the more beautiful and full the remembrances, the more difficult the separation. But gratitude transforms the torment of memory into silent joy. One bears what was lovely in the past not as a thorn but as a precious gift deep within, a hidden treasure of which one can always be certain.”
The total number of days between Sunday, November 15th, 2009 and Friday, November 15th, 2013 is 1,461 days....The total time span from 2009-11-15 to 2013-11-15 is 35,064 hours....equivalent to 2,103,840 minutes. You can also convert 1,461 days to 126,230,400 seconds...
The Birthday Girl Sending Wishes To The Heavens...
Today would have been Di's 51st birthday and I am sure that she would have been dancing and laughing to no end. She would have said things like "that's groovy" and "what a hoot" with her bright red hair rumbling around as she tossed her laughter throughout the room.
I so miss HER and I so WISH that things would have turned out differently....we always talked about being the old ladies together...hanging out drinking coffee on the porch and talking about the good old days.
Remembering 9-11
Such a sad day...
So many lost...
So many left behind...
Time heals the wound but never heals the loss...
We will never forget and will always remember.
Peace today and always,
Another Angel For Heaven
The people we meet form the foundation of our lives that when built upon allow us to bloom and blossom in ways that we never would have anticipated.